into reality

Thermal Engineering of Arizona, Inc.
Introducing the Cera-Pure ECO
The Cera-Pure EcoTM is TEA’s response to the industry demand for an economical solution of Ultrafiltration level water purification. At its heart, the system consists of a seven element filtration module. Our ceramic elements are capable of 200 nanometer or Ultrafiltration level purification of waste water.
The compact foot print of the system is scaled intentionally to easily fit into most smaller facilities.
System Specifications
Frame Size: 72" L x 32" W x 74" H
Power: 30Amps @ 480VAC (other voltages available)
Waste Water Processing Flow Rate: 20gpm
(other sizes and flow rates available)
Advantages of Ceramic Element Filtration
- Chemically and biologically inert
- Resistance to concentrated acids, bases, solvents, and extreme temperature
- 99% of removal of most filterable contaminants
- No chemical pre-treatment required
- Small system footprint
- Long element life - at least 10 years
- Low pressure operation - lower operating cost
- Large channels - ability to handle large particulate waste streams
- Ease of cleaning - ability to back pulse elements
Advantages Over Other Water Recovery Operations
- Provides heat recovery - no prior HR required
- No equalization required
- No chemical pretreatment required
- High quality of filtrate produced for reuse
- Small system footprint
The Cera-Pure EcoTM is controlled by an onboard, industrial-grade computer complete with a touchscreen interface!
Remote monitoring is available! Allowing the user the monitor the operation from their office or other locations.
Remote support from our headquarters in Tucson, Arizona is provided FREE! Simply provide an internet connection to the machine and our Service group can help your local support staff troubleshoot and maintain the system.
Need More Flow Rate? Need More Automation?
Our Cera-PureTM line of waste water filtration products comes in several larger sizes! We automate solutions according to our customer's needs. Let us help you solve your waste water, energy and water recovery problems. See our Products page for more details about our Cera-Pure line of waste water filtration and other solutions! Click here to see our Cera-Pure system on YouTube.
Celebrating 50 Years of Recovering Energy!